

09/12/2003 - 13/12/1985

    The exhibition, shown December 9-13 at VIAFARINI, Milan, investigated these themes, manifesting itself as a long opening, devoid of solutions of continuity, which provide space for a multiplicity of encounters and solutions alongside the works on display. The event, curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Stefano Boeri, with Michele Brunello, Sandi Hilal and Alessandro Petti, foresees the interventions of the Installation Design class of the Faculty of Art and Design and the Urban Planning class of the Faculty of Architecture, IUAV. The dialogues and performances that take place Tuesday December 9th during the opening broadcasts online by RAM


    Patrizia Brusarosco, Marco de Michelis, Angela Vettese, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Stefano Boeri, Silvia Ferri, Massimo Sterpi, Marco Nolli, Nicola Setari, Anna Maia Bresciani, Alessandro Floris, Gaston ramirez, Annapaola Passarini, Giulia Pezzoli, Marina Saviano -soud performance by Stefano Pilia e Andrea BelfiSara d’Agostino , Pip Chodorov, Anna Longo conversation between Hans Ulrich Obrist and Giacinto di Pietrantonio interviews Giacinto di Pietrantonio Marco de Michelis Michele Brunello conversation between Angela Vettese and Hans Ulrich Obrist interviewing the young artists of  IUAV: Ana Maria Bresciani Giulia Pezzoli, Marina Saviano Giusto Gaston Ramirez Silvia Bassanese

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