
BRERA IN CONTEMPORANEO – Bagnoli, Curran, Lim, Pistoletto, Richter

Invitation to Accademia Brera
28/07/2015 - 13/09/2015

Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Milano and Zerynthia present

Contemporary Brera

July 9th – September 15th 2015

The first exhibitive project to unite all the institutions of the Palazzo di Brera in a unique journey through ancient and contemporary art.

The Accademia di Brera opens its classrooms and studios to the public, offering the view of an original slice of daily life in the Academy. The itinerary has been conceived, by Visual Cultures and Curatorial Practices – specialist course of Brera Academy – in collaboration with Zerynthia Association for Contemporary Art.

In this context have been created site-specific installations of contemporary art all over the 18th building in the centre of Milan:

Pinacoteca di Brera – one of Italian famous collections of ancient art like Mantegna, Piero della Francesca, Raffaello- installations by Luciano Fabro, Alberto Garutti, Jannis Kounellis, Giulio Paolini and Gerhard Richter.

Braidense Library: Gerhard Richter’s EIS book, showing all the processus of its realization.

Astronomical Observatory, Cupola Schiapparelli (1875): installation by Marco Bagnoli.

Orto Botanico di Brera (Botanical Garden) – created by Maria Teresa d’Austria on 1774- Alvin Curran with an installation dedicated to John Cage, H.H.Lim and Michelangelo Pistoletto.

Napoleonic Hall: At the Edge of the Painting. Brera in the Sixties/Seventies with works by Agnetti, Alviani, Bonalumi, Castellani, Ferrari, Fontana, Grisi, Manzoni, Munari and Varisco.

Curated by Educational and Communication Department, Accademia di Brera
Books edited by Johan & Levi, Milano
Info about Academy of Brera Milan

Contemporary Brera is promoted by MIBACT, MIUR, Pinacoteca di Brera, Accademia di Brera, INAF, Osservatorio astronomico, Orto botanico and Museo Astronomico, Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense, Istituto Lombardo Scienze e Lettere, in collaboration with Johan & Levi Editore. Under the patronage of EXPO, Regione Lombardia and Comune di Milano, in the context of the palimpsest for Expo in the City. Supported by Baccarat, Monte dei Paschi di Siena, IL10, Uvet, Fondazione Atlante, Fondazione Lombardi – Croci, media partner La Repubblica, social media partner Wechat, with the technical partnership of Ciaccio Broker, Fondazione Alberto Peruzzo, Valagro, La Raia – Azienda agricola biodinamica, Livio Felluga, ERCO Illuminazione
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